Saturday, October 11, 2008


I felt the butterflies in my stomach ever since I woke up.

I guess it will never go off till tomorrow ends.

I hope I can finish it fairly well and not disappoint myself; I shall set the target and achieved it no matter what.

I have only done it once, and this is second. This is further (much further) and tougher.

Optimism helps? Sighs.
Being much a neurotic girl early in the morning doesn't help; as it only adds stress and more pimples on my chubby face. :( And I am now more prone to heart diseases and *coughs* cancer.

All the best to all my fellow friends who are running 12km tomorrow! :)

To Infinity and Beyond, yo! =)

Its been a real tiring week with lots of things to digest, absorbed then lastly kept in the blood forever and ever. I have pretty much adapted to the life already, its just getting used to it now and the next few years. I have been having lots of mood swings lately too, I just don't know why. But people who know me should know that I don't take long to be myself back, the bubbly one you see almost everyday unless I am pissed or angry in university. Be assured that I will still put on a smile even if I am unhappy alright? =)

Its just so natural.

***** (editted)

p/s: I am so sad, so stress and so emotional that I start to eat every 2 hours again! Sobs. Would someone just kill me? :(

HAPPY 19th to Miss Leong E Li!

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