Thursday, October 2, 2008

Birthdaysss ;)

Hello folks! I hope everyone is enjoying their one week break. :) Coughs, other than friends in UK or Singapore which are not having a break, because my darling in Aus is having her one week break as well!

This post is mainly for me to wish:

Kevin Kwan Joo Ern, my darling cockroach

Hwapppyyy Bwafdayyyy!

Like what I said, I will still pamper you when you want me to, although you are a year older now. Lol!

*dance around happily because the birthday boy owes me 3 ice creams, which I am now smarter for asking him to get all 3 ice creams from different places like ahem, Baskin Robbin and all. Lol lol. And, we are going out for more shirts tomorrow, and MamaMia!*

Now, you will surely remember my favourite birthday cake flavour, dong dong! :p


Ho Ken Sing

Happy 20th too! (:

Can Sing, but Can-not Blow. Last year, in TGIF. rofl.

sending 2 warm hugs to birthday boys......


1. Have you ever tried swimming when the temperature is 18.5 Celcius with a cold breeze blowing

2. Have you ever fallen in love with many many colourful flowers, which will make you feel like investing some money from your allowance every month, so that your mummy will buy more flowers and you can start gardening as well?

3. Have you ever tried being lame and your friends eventually gets lame too?

4. Do you have a childhood sweetheart?

I do, I have and

I am happyyyy!!! :D

1, 2, 3, 4, tell me that you love me more!

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