Thursday, June 19, 2008


I am way too lazy to blog. Its not just blogging but many many other things, like, driving my mummy to where she wants to go or erm, replying messages in MSN. lol. Well, I am getting bored right on Saturday! I seriously miss studying, yeah, I know this is weird, but, I cannot see myself 24-7 facebook-ing and doing nothing.

Confessing time:
I dislike homework, but I still get them done cause I don't like complaints.
I love going to college and spend my time.
I miss the market's cheap food.
I miss the stress that I once had not long ago.
I miss the times where I have to sms Kevin and ask for his help like for 1001 times.
I don't have to eat every 3 hours anymore!

Hah. So many!

All in all, I miss college because I miss PM4!

Prom pictures, I have uploaded in facebook. Erm, I think everyone who reads my blog has a facebook, so I am not uploading any pictures here. Sorry.

I love the dance floor and the hot lecturers' performance. Mr. Leong is old, but when he dances, his stamina became like, WOAH! :)

p/s: If Carr Men and Li Shin were to go clubbing with me, it will be real fun! Cause we are a bunch of crazy people who dances gracefully. Heh~

I don't know why I am taking ages to finish the Forensic Heroes 2 drama in youtube. I am only in episode 20! OMG. Okie, 5 more to go. Haha!

I am looking forward to nothing. I mean, yeah the Redang trip to spend more money. But, that will be my last time hanging out with a few of PM4 people? NOOOOO!
Kevin said we should have gathering. Haha!

I am not looking forward to my university life just yet. I mean, everything has to start all over again, even friends. Sighs. Due to boredness, I started reading form 4 and 5 komsas AGAIN. My favourite is still the "Serunai Malam" drama. =)

I am dreaming a lot when I am sleeping. Yes, it is some sweet lovey dreams. But, it don't make me feel good cause its just a dream where it won't come true. Oh well. dreams.

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